There are some really fun things that I have to share with you today and I am really excited about them both! My blogger friend
Melissa, introduced me to a new community of fun girls that will all be reading the same book and then discussing fun does that sound? Not only will we be growing in our faith together, but we will also be discussing everything else life brings our way. All in all, I think that it's also going to be a great support system as well! I am super excited!!!
Angie Smith and Jessica Turner are both lovely ladies and are the masterminds behind this community of girls and it's called Bloom.
This book club group will feature a book that we all will be reading and blogging about both on our personal blogs as well as on the
Bloom Community Website. I have joined of course and I hope that you will take the time to check it out and join as well.
The first book that we are reading is Crazy Love by Francis Chan.
Here is a rundown from the Bloom Website on how the community will work: Each week we will do a blog post about the chapter assigned from the previous week (i.e.: on Sept. 13 we will blog about the intro and chapter 1.) Then that Wednesday, guest bloggers will write a post about the the chapter/topic of discussion/something relevant. We believe this will be a great way to get different opinions and encourage conversation. We are really excited about the contributors who are on-board – we have pastors, writers, all kinds of fun people.
I really hope that you check it out!
Make sure to leave me a comment if you don't want to miss out on all the fun and fellowship.
Next item on the agenda...just kidding, ha! I am really excited about a giveaway that Kelly over at Fabulous K Creative is doing.

Kelly is giving away a new blog header! She does a wonderful job and has some super cute blogs that she has done. Head over to her blog and enter to win, but wish me luck as well because I need a new header for sure!
Happy Friday Eve to everyone! This week has seemed forever long even though it has been a 4 day week for me...I think that 3 day weekends are a trick! They suck you into the luxury of being at home enjoying that precious time away from the dreaded office and then BAM you are back in the saddle at work and counting down the days until Friday. Oh well, only one more day and we are weekend bound! I am praying hopeful that we will be able to get some things done here around the house that I have been procrastinating wanting to do for a while. We need to replace some sick brass fixtures that we have in the bathrooms, so wish us luck. I will be sure to post some before and after shots but get ready because you will be amazed at the sickness of these gems, ha!